Welcome, my beloved Golden Ticket holder.

A mystic and marvellous surprise awaits you. It will entrance, delight, intrigue, astonish and perplex you beyond measure. In your wildest dreams You could not imagine that such a thing could happen to you! Just wait and see!

And now, here are your directions

The day I have chosen for your surprise is Easter Sunday. OR, FOR THOSE UNABLE TO FOLLOW SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS, EASTER MONDAY. On this day, and on no other, you must check in here at 7 o’clock sharp in the EVENING. Don’t Be late! And you are allowed to bring with you either one or two members of your own family to look after you and to ensure that you don’t get into mischief.

One more thing — be certain to have your ticket with you, otherwise you will not be admitted.

Willy Wonka